
Sunday May 26, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - The Jelly Belly Factory
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from the tour at The Jelly Belly Factory in Pleasant Prairie, WI. The date of this recording is unknown. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Thursday May 23, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Chasing Edward Snowden
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Anonymous hosts! Anonymous presents the full commercial-free documentary entitled, Chasing Edward Snowden. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Tuesday May 21, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Olishp Ingsk
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guest Alicia! The guys start the show by meeting Alicia, one of Dave's high school friends. Alicia discusses her dad being a hunter and the time he killed a polar bear with a bow and how it then took 11 years to get the bear through customs to have it stuffed. Then, Alicia reveals Dave's high school gang called the Polish Kings and their speaking in code and how it annoyed her. After that, the trio play MadLibs and Alicia discusses being a veterinarian. The guys round out the show by announcing the winner to the Dave's beard length contest! Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday May 19, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Toruk
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from Cirque du Soleil's performance of Toruk at the United Center in Chicago, IL. This recording is from August 4, 2016. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Thursday May 16, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - How Open Borders Is Causing The Measles Outbreak
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Alex Jones hosts! Alex breaks down how the measles outbreak across the country is being caused by the southern border to Mexico being wide open, as well as the current MMR vaccine that can't even cure the newest strain that's pouring into the country with illegal immigrants from third world countries. Also, President Trump's old and new incorrect stance on vaccines, and the forbidden vaccine inserts everyone should be demanding from their doctors before getting a vaccine. All that and much more from this informative episode of The Alex Jones Show. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Tuesday May 14, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Well That Was A Waste of Time
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show arguing about the McDonald's breakfast menu and Dave calls customer service for Ryan so he can get things figured out for the record. Then, Dave discusses finishing his tattoo sleeve and Ryan discusses ripping strippers off on their birthday. After that, the guys discuss beards and a contest begins with people guessing the length of Dave's beard. The guys round out the show by playing some MadLibs. The contest continues into next weeks episode. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday May 12, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from Starlight Theater's production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in Rockford, IL. This recording is from the 2016 season. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday May 08, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Banned Christchurch Massacre Video Breakdown
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys watch and discuss the banned Christchurch, New Zealand massacre video. The video gets broken down as the guys explore the strange oddities and impossibilities from the disappearing shell casings, to the pre-shooting perfectly placed magazine on the floor in the hall of the mosque, to the pile of unbloody allegedly dead bodies, to the magazine that seems to have an endless amount of bullets, and the blurred out picture of the shooter in court but is clearly not the same guy in the pictures released of the shooter from his Facebook. The list goes on and on and the guys break it all down. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Tuesday May 07, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - The Greatest Mostly True Story Ever Told
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing the retarded Illinois rain tax and AOC's Green New Deal, as well as the literal casting call she won to get backed by the Justice Democrats to run for Congress. Then, Ryan discusses the time he was lobbied by a special interest group to run for Alderman with a guaranteed fully funded campaign and why he eventually turned it all down. After that, Dave discusses his experience being a part of 2 political campaigns and his awkward junior high school days. Then, the guys try a soda pop before Dave reveals his strange connection to Chad from Nickleback, Jimmy from Jimmy John's subs, Joey with something on his head in a photograph, and Gotye being somebody that Dave used to know. If you know anything about Dave you know Dave hates Nickleback, and this story explains his deep rooted hatred for them. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday May 05, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Jesus Christ Superstar
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from Starlight Theater's production of Jesus Christ Superstar in Rockford, IL. This recording is from the 2016 season. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday May 03, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Amy Lee Voice Assist
Friday May 03, 2019
Friday May 03, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by watching several movie trailers including Between Worlds, Bringing Out The Dead, Mandy, Explorers, Avatar 2, and the new Aladdin trailer. Then, the guys listen to and discuss The Greatest Showman re-imagined soundtrack as well as some songs from the Nightmare Before Christmas revisited soundtrack. After that, Steve Toesheba from Channel 2 FAYK News sits down with Amy Lee for an interview and the guys round out the show by watching the trailer for The Dirt. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday May 01, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - The Mysterious Murder of Nipsey Hussle
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the cure for AIDs, the Big Pharma conspiracy, and the strange death of Dr. Sebi, who was the topic of the documentary Nipsey Hussle was making when he was murder in cold blood in broad day light. The official narrative is that it was gang related but the guys breakdown the possible real underlying reason for Nipsey Hussle's murder and the future of the Dr. Sebi documentary. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Children of Eden
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from Starlight Theater's production of Children of Eden in Rockford, IL. This recording is from the 2016 season. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Medieval Times
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from Medieval Times in Schaumburg, IL. This recording is from March 25, 2016. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Zumanity
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from Cirque du Soleil's show Zumanity from New York-New York in Las Vegas, NV. This recording is from September 4, 2015. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Mystere
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from Cirque du Soleil's show Mystere from Treasure Island in Las Vegas, NV. This recording is from July 8, 2015. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Dropped Charges, Reinstated
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show with Dave contemplating doing stand-up comedy. Then, the guys discuss the Rockford IceHogs alumni weekend before playing an old insurance ad they both starred in back in the day where they were selling alien abduction insurance. After that, the guys play audio from the Jussie Smollett case where all charges were dropped, kind of, but maybe not? Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Dybbuk Box Breakdown
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss a YouTuber who ordered a Dybbuk Box from eBay, opened it, and allegedly released an evil spirit into his home. The guys watch the videos of this alleged haunting and break it down and decide if it's real or fake. Also, rapper/singer Post Malone recently had a run-in with a Dybbuk Box and has allegedly had pretty bad luck since the incident. The guys are on the fence as to whether or not they should buy a Dybbuk Box from eBay and test the theory for themselves. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Apr 01, 2019
Sixteen S's (CCLXV)
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
The D2R Podcast proudly presents Sixteen S's Podcast!
On today's show: The guys are drunk, slap-happy, confused, and well, just listen. Enjoy the eargasms!!
The official podcast email address is sssssssssssssssspodcast@gmail.com. You can write in ideas for topics you want the guys to discuss, scenarios, news headlines, your own personal stories, shout-outs to your friends and family, or anything at all, and if you want, the guys will read your email live on the show!
Please SUBSCRIBE to the D2R Podcast on iTunes and don't forget to RATE and REVIEW while you're there.
Be a hero - share the D2R Podcast and Sixteen S's Podcast with everyone you know!! Your word of mouth is our only advertising and we truly appreciate your support!! Thanks for listening and enjoy!

Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Bert Kreischer Live
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from legendary comedian Bert Kreischer, as well as middle act Vince Carone, and opening act Paul Farahvar from The Improv in Schaumburg, IL. This recording is from June 11, 2016. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Mar 29, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Shitty Committee
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing a guy who bought a magazine from Ryan, but the guy's in prison and the magazine was returned. They find out the reason he's in prison and play audio from the sentencing. Then, the guys do some Mad Libs before Dave presents a handful of Post Secrets about old dead people, being skinny, a topless missionary, and no longer believing in God. After that, the guys play Who Would Win where they debate between U2 vs. The Beatles. The guys round out the show with a new game called Real or Fake News. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - New Zealand Massacre
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the New Zealand massacre, the shooter, the motive, the manifesto, the guns, the disappearing shell casings and other oddities, and much more. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Mar 25, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Make
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing people kneeling during the National Anthem and how those people are douchebags. Then, the guys discuss the not-so-great refereeing at IceHogs games recently. After that, Dave recounts his most recent trip to the ER from choking on pulled pork, and then Dave gets into his front door change-out fiasco. The guys round out the show by looking back at some Facebook Memories. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Michael Jackson: ONE
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from Cirque du Soleil's residency show Michael Jackson: ONE at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. This recording is from July 6, 2015. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Mar 22, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - F U Is Who
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing their personal jerk record in a day before getting into a recent encounter Ryan had with an old friend he doesn't remember or probably ever met, while dining in downtown Rockford. Then, the guys create an extremely involved RPG board game called Illuminopoly using the concepts of several board games and smashing them into 1 giant game. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Tommy Robinson's Panodrama
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by asking the question, who is Tommy Robinson? The guys discuss the extremely controversial British gentleman named Tommy Robinson, what he stands for, why he's hated by many and loved by more, and then the guys watch his documentary Panodrama, where Tommy sets up a sting operation and turns the tide on a "gotcha journalist" who was lying about him and trying to set Tommy up for a documentary being done on Tommy's life on BBC's Panorama program called Tommy Takedown. After that, Ryan plays audio from former CIA operative Mike Baker on JRE discussing the infamous car crash death of Rolling Stone's reporter Michael Hastings, who basically confirms the conspiracy, without actually saying it. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Mar 18, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Drip Drip Drip
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by watching Dave Chappelle's "Piss On You" parody music video about the alleged sex life R. Kelly has. Then, Ryan plays a clip of the Good Morning America interview R. Kelly did recently, including the "losing his shit" segment. They break down what he's saying compared to what his body language is saying and show how he's lying through-out the interview. After that, the guys continue to dissect R. Kelly's strange life of always seemingly being surrounded by underage females and how it sure doesn't help his case trying to prove he's not a sex abuser and offender, when his "big heart" seems to get his "big penis" in trouble over and over again. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Blue Man Group Live
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from the Blue Man Group from their temporary residency at the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. This recording is from September 3, 2015. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Mar 15, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Blueballed By YouTube
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing the recent active shooter situation that took place in Rockford on Thursday last week and made the national news. The guys have determined that Rockford is now famous for Cheap Trick, pot holes, and Tiger Tail Lounge. Then, Ryan discusses how Chicago's WGN News got a story completely wrong concerning his employer, proving once again, how prevalent fake news is. After that, Dave makes his case that it's not rape if you say surprise beforehand, and the guys get blueballed by YouTube cutting a video clip short. Then, Ryan displays and discusses his MYLA hat, that is intended to trigger most people, but specifically including Trump supporters and Trump haters. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Mueller, The Deep State, and The Elites Addiction To Adrenochrome
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing Adrenochrome, what it is, and why the Elites seem to be addicted to it. Then, the guys discuss Paul Harvey's famous "If I Were The Devil" speech and how it can be shown to prove what's happening currently in America and around the world. After that, the guys show how Robert Mueller is the Deep State fix-it man, covering up numerous major events, cases, etc. for over 25 years and no once seems to care that he's found no Russian collusion. But, Orange Man Bad. This Is America. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Mar 11, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Nick Turbin's Cannon
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by playing another old game called Drop The Mic featuring Kermit vs. Miss Piggy and Jack vs. Kelly Osborne. Then, the guys watch the Lip Sync Battle between The Rock and Jimmy Fallon. After that, the guys try a new soda with a really really long name. Then, the guys discuss the show Masked Singer including the winner reveal, as well as the other shocking moments from the show. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Frank Marino's DIVAS
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from legendary drag queen Frank Marino aka Ms. Las Vegas, and the rest of the cast of characters perform songs from many different artists at this exclusive drag revue located at The Linq in Las Vegas, NV. This recording is from July 7, 2015. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by trying another new soda, this time it's chocolate flavored. Then, the guys ponder commentating live sports as some of their favorite characters before watching the Sports Desk segments from Goon 2. After that, the guys are shocked that Danielle Bregoli aka Bhad Bhabie aka the Catch Me Outside girl is still famous, has a record deal, and hasn't disappeared into obscurity yet. Then, the guys dust off some old games and play a round of Hollywood Quiz Game before a hammering out a couple Mad Libs. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - This Is America
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys have an update concerning Empire actor Jussie Smollett, and his now alleged attack hoax, which Ryan breaks down the many new developments since last episode. Then, the guys get into other political hoax's, the late night shows pushing political narratives, MSM being fake news, and how This Is America now. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Mar 04, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Almost Homeless
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing how close Dave is to becoming homeless, literally. Then, the guys discuss Ryan's employer cutting an entire shift, but the good news is Ryan's not going to be affected. After that, the conversation parlays into the jobs Dave specifically did when he used to work at Ryan's current employer. Then, the guys cover a news story about a guy who dipped his balls into salsa that was being delivered to a customer and is now going to prison for his actions. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Adam Carolla Live
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from legendary comedian Adam Carolla, as he does comedy from his book Not Taco Bell Material at the Capitol Theater in Madison, WI. This recording is from April 6, 2018. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Mar 01, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Afterdavid
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by trying a new flavor of soda as well as the all new Peanut MnM flavor - Jalapeno. Then, the guys discuss a news story about a woman who was arrested for drinking wine from a Pringle's chip can inside Walmart and the familiar, but not-so-great attorney, she had representing her. After that, Dave breaks down why he's hating school right now and gives an update on his tattoo sleeve. Then, the guys discuss another news story about the infamous blow-up doll guy who's back in the news for having relations with his Big Mac at McDonald's. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Fake Smollett Attack and LA Mil Spec Op
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the recent Empire actor Jussie Smollett, and his alleged attack, which Ryan breaks down and points out the numerous oddities that show how it was more than likely faked. After that, Ryan breaks down a recent military drill that happened in Long Beach, CA while an actual secret military operation was going down in downtown Los Angeles simultaneously, but wasn't supposed to be caught on film and what the purpose of the operation actually was. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Feb 25, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Murder Mystery Dinner Theater...With No Murder
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing the recent murder mystery dinner theater Dave and his wife went to for her birthday much to their dismay when they discovered there was no murder. Then, Ryan recounts a recent identity theft scare he had involving a Staples store located in New York. After that, the guys discuss a news story about conjoined twins who are involved in a civil lawsuit against each other because of a disagreement about masturbating. And finally, Ryan enlightens Dave to a short-lived YouTube series called IKEA Heights, starring a pre-fame Randall Park, where the actors are acting out scenes in a cheesy dramedy, inside a living, breathing, and fully operational IKEA store in California. The catch is, the actors and camera operators don't acknowledge the customers, price tags, etc. and are occasionally chased out of the store by employees, all adding to the suspense of the ground breaking YouTube series. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Bobby Lee Live
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from actor/comedian Bobby Lee, who was the headlining act at The Improv in Schaumburg, IL. This recording is from sometime in 2017 or 2018. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Feb 22, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Auction Adventure
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by coming up with The Rock Vegas Podcast drinking game. (DISCLAIMER: The D2R Podcast Network, including Ryan and Dave specifically, are NOT responsible for listener drunkenness, alcoholism, injury, death, or any other effect, negative or positive, that results from participating in The Rock Vegas Podcast drinking game.) Then, Dave reviews Happy Death Day 2 and complains about the millennial's who were also in the theater being obnoxious. After that, Ryan discusses his treacherous trip to Pennsylvania to retrieve items won in an online auction. Then, the guys rant about this ridiculous winter, snow, ice, freezing rain, driving in it all, and asshole snow plows that think they own the road. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Conspiracy Galore
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the Rockefeller Foundation which was recently sued for $1 billion for allegedly giving people syphilis intentionally as well as conducting inhumane and illegal human experiments. Then, the guys discuss Area 52, the disappearance of Kenny Veach who was searching for the elusive M cave, Blackwater contractors are headed back to Syria, George Soros allegedly arrested for war crimes, and the very strange Black Eye Club and their strange Illuminati rituals. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Feb 18, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Heavy Trailer or Trailer Heavy?
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing and watching several movie trailers including Heavy Rescue, Down, Hobbs and Shaw, John Wick 3, Captain Marvel, Arctic, The Hummingbird Project, Greyhound, and Captive State. Then, Ryan plays audio from Dave's doorbell security camera featuring a visit from a Javaho Witness who turned out to be Dave's literal worst nightmare. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Live at The Rusty Fox
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from a drunk guy who attempts to do Andrew Dice Clay material, and then a solid 12 from local stand-up and friend of the D2R Podcast Network, Jamie Martin. The Rusty Fox hosts open mic nights regularly in Sterling, IL. This recording is from an unknown date. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Feb 15, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Cruisin'
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show with a full recap of Dave's recent cruise. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - The MAGA Bomber
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the giant rectangular iceberg floating in the ocean and how it could have been cut so perfectly. Then, the guys get into the extremely odd Cesar Sayoc, who is more well-known as the MAGA bomber, and the strange conspiracies surrounding him and his weird actions of mailing Trump's political enemies fake bombs. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Feb 11, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - The Secret "A Treasure Hunt"
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by tasting a new and unique soda before looking back on some Facebook memories. Then, Ryan discusses a book he received for Christmas called The Secret - A Treasure Hunt and discusses what it's all about, much to Dave's fascination and intrigue. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Whose Live Anyway
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from legendary comedians Greg Proops, Jeff Davis, Joel Murray, and Ryan Stiles performing improvisational comedy at the Coronado Performing Arts Center in Rockford, IL. This recording is from October 5, 2018. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Feb 08, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Bill Murray Stories
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by catching everybody up on their last 2 months break from podcasting. Then, Dave gets right into the death of Beard Guy from Walk Off The Earth with a tribute. After that, Dave announces he's going on a cruise and the guys taste a new and unique soda. Then, Dave watched Bill Murray Stories on Netflix and highly recommends it. After that, the guys discuss the war on men in movies and how feminism is taking over Hollywood and pop culture. Then, the guys round out the show watching trailers for Mr. Robot on USA Network and Fyre Festival on Netflix. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Are Adam and Eve Our Incestral Parents?
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the Rh blood type and it's possibility of being alien in origin, before getting into Adam and Eve's children and how they're relationship, as well as their children's relationships, had to be incestuous. (*NOTE: the word Incestral in the title is a combined play on words - ancestral and incestuous, for anyone that was wondering). Then, the guys get into neutrinos coming from space, bouncing off of Antarctica, and going back into space. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Feb 04, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Bake For 60 Years
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by tasting another new and unique soda as Ryan gets into turkey prep ideas from his sons first grade class. Then, Dave discusses why he hates Thanksgiving and Ryan discusses why he hates Michael's coupon scam. After that, Dave announces he's going to be starting his own paint nights and the guys try another new and unique soda. Then, Ryan discusses why he hates people that clap when then talk to make a point. Then, the guys discuss Palessi, Dunkin, and Starbucks before getting into some movies they've seen recently including Peppermint, Grinch, Night School, 15:17 To Paris, Hostiles, The Visit, and Overlord. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Barry Manilow Live
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from legendary recording artist Barry Manilow, who was the headlining act for a concert at the BMO Harris Bank Center in Rockford, IL. This recording is from March 26, 2016. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Feb 01, 2019
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Moonrise Hotel
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by trying a new and unique soda before Dave gets into his "recent" trip to St. Louis for a Walk Off The Earth concert and his stay at the Moonrise Hotel. Then, the guys listen to some Tessa Violet songs as well as some Walk Off The Earth songs. Ryan rounds out the show by reading some negative comments on previous podcast episodes. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Ryan and Ray Experience (Part 3)
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Ray sit down for a marathon episode lasting just shy of 6 hours! This is the final 2 hours of the marathon, where the guys discuss Ryan's political party - the RACE party, and finally, Ryan asks Ray about the hole in the International Space Station which started this whole marathon episode in the first place. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Dave Koz Live
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from saxophonist extraordinaire Dave Koz, who was the opening act for a concert at the BMO Harris Bank Center in Rockford, IL. This recording is from March 26, 2016. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Ryan and Ray Experience (Part 2)
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Ray sit down for a marathon episode lasting just shy of 6 hours! This is the middle 2 hours of the marathon, where the guys discuss taxes, how to fix America and the rest of the world, Ray's podcast idea for the D2R Podcast Network, the 9/11 terror attacks in New York, and election meddling. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Top Secret Podcast - Making A Murderer Live
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Top Secret Podcast.
On today's secret show: You will hear exclusive audio from a VIP Q and A session with attorney's Dean Strang and Jerry Buting from the Netflix docu-series Making A Murderer. The VIP Q and A session is followed up by a full on audience Q and A session with several updates on the Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey cases. On a side note: the recording is from June 3, 2016 before season 2 was released on Netflix. Remember to keep this podcast a secret. Only share with those trusted few that you know won't blow the lid on this super Top Secret Podcast. This podcast will self destruct in 3..2..1..BOOM!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Think Tank Podcast - Ryan and Ray Experience (Part 1)
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Ray sit down for a marathon episode lasting just shy of 6 hours! This is the first 2 hours of the marathon, where the guys discuss if Ryan could go to Mars, the 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon, how conspiracies get started, lying techniques, strip clubs, and how men are under attack in the United States. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Dec 31, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Year End Review
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! Ryan starts the show by giving Dave his year end review. Early listener reviews are claiming this is quite possibly the most awkwardly uncomfortable episode ever recorded and released on the D2R Podcast Network. Challenge yourself and see if you can make it through this extremely uncomfortable public year end review for Dave. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Dec 28, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - #GhostMeToo
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing the midterm elections, trick or treating and Halloween, how Ryan got stuck in an elevator with 10 other people on Halloween, and the most popular and best Halloween costumes this year. Then, the guys discuss a news story about a woman who claims to be engaged to a ghost, the ghost rape phenomena, and another news story about a guy who claims to be married to a ghost. After that, the guys watch the trailer for Happy Death Day, Aladdin, and the Little Mermaid movies. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Cloning, Pedophile Rings, The Pope, and Big Tech Censorship
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the cloning of celebrities in underground bases, a new book exposing pedophile rings across the world, big tech companies censorship of certain conservative mouthpieces across all media platforms, the current Pope being the last Pope and his connection to the Antichrist, and a suspicious hole was found drilled into a capsule attached to the International Space Station and what this could mean for the astronauts who are currently up there. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Dec 24, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Kwanzaa Knightmare
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing their favorite holiday and least favorite holiday. Then, the guys discuss unusual and expensive gifts for Christmas before transitioning into Dave's most recent visit to the mall, and more specifically, to the Abercrombie and Fitch store to buy something for his sister. After that, the guys discuss the new Grinch movie, as well as Overlord, Vice, Welcome To Marwen, Bird Box, Holmes and Watson, Destroyer, and Stan and Ollie movie trailers. The guys round out the show by playing some Christmas songs from Lindsay Stirling. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Dec 21, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Bad Times In Manitowoc County
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by discussing the new movie Bad Times At The El Royale. Then, Dave discusses the new Gotti movie before breaking down Making A Murderer season 2 on Netflix. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Skinwalker Ranch Follow-Up
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys just finished watching and recording their live commentary of the new Skinwalker Ranch documentary Hunt For The Skinwalker by filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and began investigating some things pertaining to the ranch on their own, when after coming across a lot of strange oddities, they decided to hit record and break it all down for the listeners. The rabbit hole goes deeper than they could have ever imagined. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
The Experiment - Episode Twenty Three
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Experiment.
On today's show: Ryan, Steve and Matt start the show by taking a call from Patrick who claims to be doing porn under the name Patty Cakes while he's laid off. Then, the guys take a call from Miss Apple who's getting her nails did, and the guys debate upside-down Christmas trees. After that, Lala calls in to discuss butt play and the guys take calls from Eddy and Shane as well. Niiice!!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to the D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Dec 17, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - I'll F*ck You With A Knife
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show by playing the brand game before Dave discusses getting his Bachelor's degree and has officially started his Master's degree program. Then, Dave transitions into his trip to Phoenix to walk across the stage and formally graduate and he also discusses his new tattoo. After that, the guys discuss the floss dance, the songs Skibidi and Hateful Love by Little Big and the techno viking. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Saturday Dec 15, 2018
C.U.N.T.S. - Episode 1
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents Concise Uncensored News Talk Show.
On today's show: Ryan starts the pilot episode by discussing the California wildfires, direct energy weapons and the California high speed rail system that ironically was planned to be built in the exact areas the wildfires seem to be affecting. Then, Ryan breaks down the CNN reporter, Jim Acosta, getting temporarily banned from the White House and then lying about not touching the intern that tried taking the mic from him. After that, Dave discusses Making A Murderer season 2 and how it influenced the Wisconsin midterm elections by provoking voters to remove Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel.
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to the D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Dec 14, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - The Joke Is Dead
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the semi-recent Presidential test text that everyone got in September and the faux outrage people on social media waged in. Then, Ryan messes up an Alzheimer's joke before he breaks down what he learned at a Spy and Tactical Defense Training seminar he attended recently. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Hunt For The Skinwalker
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys watch the new Skinwalker Ranch documentary by Jeremy Corbell called Hunt For The Skinwalker while providing live commentary through-out. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
The Experiment - Episode Twenty Two
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Experiment.
On today's show: Ryan, Steve and Matt start the show by taking a call from Zach before getting into a Kombucha tasting. Then, David, Steve's brother calls in, Katrina from KRS3 Groomers calls in, and Matt discusses how his mom is a hoarder and how he's going to help clean out her house. After that, Jamie calls in and is hinting to her boyfriend, who's hopefully listening, that she's ready to be proposed to. Niiice!!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to the D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Dec 10, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - King of The Hill
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys start the show with Dave announcing he has just turned 40 years old and he seems to be taking it kind of hard. Then, the guys address a pull tab scam sent out by a local car dealership and Ryan has been summoned to jury duty. After that, a news story about a gentleman who called 911 reportedly finding a dead body but actually turned out to be a full size sex doll. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Special Report - Military Tribunals To Begin In January
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents a Special Report Podcast.
On today's show: Truth Unsealed presents a special report concerning Military Tribunals for Deep State traitors attempting to overthrow the Trump administration and those involved in child trafficking will begin in January. A secret meeting in Columbia, South Carolina has set plans in motion for what will finally be justice served to those who harm children and try to destroy our Republic, while former President George H.W. Bush was quietly executed for his crimes in a plea deal. David Zublick unseals the truth in this special report!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The D2R Podcast Network would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Dec 07, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Elf Penis
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! Dave starts the show by breaking down the newest Predator movie for Ryan's spoiling pleasure. Then, Dave breaks down The House With A Clock In Its Walls movie before Ryan brings it back around to the Alien and Predator films and how they're connected. After that, Ryan has received some political mail recently both from President Trump and separately from his wife Melania Trump. Ryan has analyzed the signatures on these letters he's received and alleges a possible conspiracy involving the signatures of the President and the First Lady. The guys round out the show by eating lots of elf penises. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Skinwalker Ranch Preview
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss the new Skinwalker Ranch documentary that's coming out soon and watch an exclusive interview with the filmmaker of the documentary. Also, Dave saw a UFO recently and he breaks it all down for the listeners. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Dec 03, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Islamart
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss a video that went viral featuring a racist Walmart employee berating a Muslim woman who wanted to try on clothes in the dressing room. This leads to a discussion about Islamaphobia and understanding Muslim terms. Then, the guys take a trip down memory lane with Facebook Memories. After that, Ryan discusses getting pulled over and ticketed for the most nonsensical reason ever and what he plans to do about it. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Nov 30, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - National Lampoons Vacation
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! Dave starts the show by recapping his week long vacation, his new painting studio, the racist steakhouse he and Joy visited for their anniversary, reiki healing, homemade N/A beer, drum circles, and the TV show Forever. Ryan says nothing. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Your Soul Is Infinite
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys continue their discussion from last episode with some help from the experts. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Nov 26, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Rockford 911
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guest Joy! Ryan starts the show by discussing his dog puking and how his 14 year old used Comet to clean it up and the disaster that ensued. Then, Dave presents back-to-back news stories involving the blow-up doll guy and his 2 most recent arrests, including a stingray and an electric fence. After that, the guys discuss the new Illinois texting laws. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Nov 23, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Hollywood Game Night
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guest Joy! The guys play a plethora of games including several rounds of Mad Libs, Fact or Crap, and Craigslist Price Is Right. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - The Cabal's Last Stand
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys discuss numerous things involving our current state of politics in the U.S. and the world with some help from the experts. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
The Experiment - Episode Twenty One
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Experiment.
On today's show: Ryan, Steve and Matt start the show by discussing their most memorable camping experience and the top 3 celebrities they'd take along camping with them. Then, the guys talk to caller John who's in the running to win a local costume contest and co-worker Miss Apple who's had quite a lay-off catching raccoons. The guys check-in on what rumors she's heard and help out with a 70 inch television dilemma she's having with her "mans." After that, the guys go on Facebook Live and co-worker Chris calls in to serenade the guys with a song from the Lost Boys movie. Niiice!!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the NEW podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Experiment, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Nov 19, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Mystery Movie Theater 3000
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guest Joy! The guys discuss the plethora of movies they've seen recently including Equalizer 2, Mission Impossible: Fallout, The Spy Who Dumped Me, Sicario: Day of The Soldado, Mile 22, Deadpool 2, The Happytime Murders, Oscar, A Quiet Place, and the Netflix show Jack Ryan. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Nov 16, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Inside The Actor's Studio
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guest John! The guys start the show by introducing John. Then, they discuss speaking Italian, eating horse and dog meat, pinata's, and John's acting career. After that, we check-in with Dr. Steve Aids before Dave plays audio of a recent trip to the mall with John to buy John's wife a shirt from Abercrombie and Fitch. Then, the guys play Mad Libs and John promotes his cigar company JC Cigars. If you or someone you know is into cigars, then visit John's website jccigarsusa.com. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - The Mysterious Death of Kenneka Jenkins
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys break down the mysterious disappearance and eventual death of Kenneka Jenkins. She attended a party with her friends at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Rosemont, IL and was later seen stumbling up and down hallways of the hotel by herself on security cameras. After going missing for several hours, she was eventually found dead in a freezer in the hotel kitchen. How did she get there? Was she murdered? How did she get separated from her friends? Is the Crowne Plaza Hotel a hub for trafficking humans? Ryan and Dave break down everything in this fascinating podcast where the truth may not be what you expected. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
The Experiment - Episode Twenty
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Experiment.
On today's show: Ryan, Steve and Matt start the show with a caller who goes by the name Michael and he wants to discuss the paranormal. Then, the guys discuss their recent October birthday's as well as Matt's that's coming up, and literally falls on Thanksgiving this year. They debate which event to celebrate on that particular day before a controversial discussion about Amber Alerts. After that, the guys call a co-worker named Mike and check-in on the rumors he's heard about being laid-off. Then, the guys pose as the local news and call the union hall to try and get some info on their lay-off to no avail. Niiice!!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the NEW podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Experiment, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Nov 12, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Two Frito Lay-dy's
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! The guys taste 13 different Frito Lay potato chip flavors and review and rank them. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Nov 09, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Home Improvement
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host! Dave starts the show by discussing his shed building experience and tool brand loyalty. Then, Ryan discusses his fence and pool construction experience, before discussing the collaboration between both Dave and Ryan building Ryan's shed. After that, Ryan has some issues with the shed building instructions and decides to call the help desk to get some answers. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Death of A Nation
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: A special presentation of Dinesh D'Souza's film, Death of A Nation! Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
The Experiment - Episode Nineteen
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Experiment.
On today's show: Ryan, Steve and Matt discuss believing in Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny before addressing Matt's Kambucha addiction. Then, the guys discuss the rumors floating around as to why they're laid-off and call co-worker Nick to see what he's heard. After that, Steve discusses his trip to Disney World and the guys receive a call from someone asking about blowjobs. The guys wrap the show by calling another co-worker named Chris and get the real low-down as to why they're laid-off currently. Niiice!!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The guys would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions live on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Experiment, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Special Report - Exclusive Town Hall
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents a Special Report Podcast.
On today's show: Lara Trump hosts the One Vote To Victory Town Hall Phone Call featuring a pre-midterm message from the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump. Other guests featured are House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDanial, Lara's husband and President Trump's son Eric Trump, and the Trump 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale. Whether you agree or disagree with President Trump and his message, go out and vote tomorrow, November 6, 2018.
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The D2R Podcast Network would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The D2R Podcast Network, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Nov 02, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Hour 35
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guests Dani, Ray, Eric, Jen and Bruce! The guys finally wrap up their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hour thirty five. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Hours 33 and 34
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guests Dani, Ray, Eric, and Jen! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hours thirty three and thirty four. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Oct 29, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Hour 32
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guests Dani, Ray, Joy, Eric, and Jen! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hour thirty two. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Oct 26, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Hour 31
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guests Dani, Ray, Joy, and Eric! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hour thirty one. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Hours 29 and 30
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guests Dani, Ray and Joy! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hours twenty nine and thirty. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Oct 22, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Hour 28
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guests Dani, Double T, and Ray! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hour twenty eight. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Oct 19, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Hour 27
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guests Dani and Double T! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hour twenty seven. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Think Tank Podcast - Hour 26
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents the Think Tank Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guest Dani! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hour twenty six. Enjoy!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Monday Oct 15, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Hour 25
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guest Dani! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hour twenty five. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!

Friday Oct 12, 2018
The Rock Vegas Podcast - Hour 24
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Dreem2Reality Entertainment presents The Rock Vegas Podcast.
On today's show: Ryan and Dave host with special guest Dani! The guys continue their 36 hour world record attempt at the Longest Single Continuous Podcast Episode for the Guinness Book of World Records challenge. This is hour twenty four. Enjoy the eargasms!
Please subscribe to the D2R Podcast Network on iTunes and don't forget to rate and review while you're there. You can also download the Stitcher and Podbean app to your device for free and search: D2R PODCAST NETWORK and subscribe.
The Rock Vegas Podcast would love to hear from you! Feel free to call the podcast hotline and have your voice heard on a future episode. Dial 872-242-8311 (USA-CHAT-311) and leave a message and we will play your voicemail and answer your questions on an upcoming episode!
If you enjoy listening to The Rock Vegas Podcast, then spread the word to everyone you know. Your word of mouth is our best advertising method and we appreciate your support. Thanks for listening and share!